Valorant Language Changer

Changes the text language for valorant while keeping the voice language.
Want to hear those uwu-voices from japan but don't understand anything that is written there? It's your lucky day!

How to use

Change your language in Valorant to what you want as your voice language and close the game.

Download and unpack the somewhere, e.g. on your desktop.

Double click on the start.bat, a command prompt will open.

First enter your region as described.

Next, specify your voice language, e.g. de_DE, en_US, ja_JP.

Then the text language you want to have, e.g. de_DE, en_US, ja_JP.

Drag and drop your Valorant shortcut into the window. You should see the path of your game, press Enter.

If you did everything right, you will find a new Valorant shortcut on your desktop, named VALORANT Custom Language.

Have fun!

Frequently asked questions

Can this tool get me banned?

Short answer: no! (I don't think so)
Long answer: Me and friends have been using this tool since May 6th 2022, as of writing about 1.5 months. We've never had any problems. This tool does the exact same that other people have done before by hand (overwriting two files before the game starts, see here, here, here).

Is this a virus?

No. This file downloads an additional exe file from here (GitHub) which might be flagged as a virus. It is used to download the latest language files from the official Riot Games servers. You can have a look at the script's code and the exe's code as well. If your antivirus has a problem, you could try to exclude the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%/ValorantLangChanger/ from your antivirus.

What does it do?

As stated above, it detects when Valorant starts and quickly overwrites the language files before they are loaded.
This has been done before (see here, here, here), but I wasn't going to do all of these steps everytime I wanted to derank, so I made a program.
It also has the benefit of automatically updating the files, which means you don't have to download them everytime a Valorant patch comes out.

How can I delete this?

If you don't want to use it anymore, you can just use your old Valorant shortcut.
To delete the files, open 'Run' (Win + R) and type in %LOCALAPPDATA% and hit Enter, delete the ValorantLangChanger folder.

Do you guys work for Riot Games?

No, we are in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Riot Games, Inc or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries, and we do not have a Riot gun buddy for you or ourself.

Where can I contact you?

On Discord.